Wednesday, September 25, 2013

High School Survival Tips

Going to a new school? Starting High school? Are you worried? Well, don't be, if you folllow these tips, your high school years will be as easy as pie!

1. The night before the first day of school, try to have your supplies packed and your clothes picked out, so in the morning, you won't be running late!

2. Be friendly! Having friends will make your expericance a WHOLE lot better! Talk to the person next to you in class. At lunch appoach someone who is nice and friendly and stay away from bullies and drama queens.

3. Have a planner book so you can keep track of tests, homework, club meetings, and other events

4. Join after school clubs if you want, but don't join too many, you don't want to become too stessed from too many activites!

5. DO NOT drink, smoke, do drugs etc. it may seem cool, but it destoys your health.

You may go into High School nervous and scared about it, but once you are there you may think "Hey, it's not THAT bad" School isn't very fun but YOU can make it fun!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Should Homework be banned?

Should Homework be banned? [POLL]

How to Entertain Yourself in Class

Most of you are probably have a class you don't like. Do you get bored with the same old boring textbooks? Bored with the mean old math teacher lecturing you about your homework? Well, if you said "yes", then this is for you!!

1. Draw, Be sure to sit in the back of the class and draw! It will look like you're taking notes, which teachers love!

2. Daydream, It will make class go by MUCH faster, Just try to look at the front of the room , it will look like you are paying attention. Also, try to  listen for anything important the teacher says, [dates for tests, field trips, or other special events] If you get cal

3. If you're good at sneaking things into class, bring and ipod, iphone, mp3 player or 3ds into class and play a game/listen to music/text. Hide them behind a folder or textbook so the teacher doesn't see.

School can be boring, but that doesn't mean you can't make it fun! Thanks for reading!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Homework Rant

If you are in high school and have homework, then you KNOW how much homework sucks. I think it should be banned [or at least not give as much]  First of all, the amount of homework  some schools give is ridicoulous, The average student gets AT LEAST 3 hours of homework a night [not counting studying]  So, if a student has  after school activities [sports, drama, spanish etc.] which might last about 1-2 hours, has 3 hours of homework, AND has to study for that super hard science test tomorrow morning, they won't get enough sleep, free time, and social time which means they will be tired in class, won't want to pay attention, be stressed out and might even bomb that science test.

But it doesn't end there, Studies show that homework DOES NOT improve grades and might even lower them. Other studies show that teenagers need about 8 hours of sleep. If teachers give too much homework, they will make students stay up late, They have to get up early for school [see my upcoming post about schools starting too early] they are tired in class, they get in trouble for falling asleep, they come home again with more homework, stay up late again, and the cycle keeps repeating.

So, to anyone out there who is for homework I hope this made you think about it a little, Thanks for reading


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